The truth of Jesus Christ&Mary Magdala

The truth of Jesus Christ&Mary Magdala
The truth of Jesus Christ&Mary Magdala

Friday, 27 March 2015

Update: Nelson Mandela also asks for a word to the ones under secret society cones with masks,as he wants to return some stones and poisoned mass wine flasks given to him by many a boar swine! The truth is the living sword! By Mother Sigrid Eliora

Abbey of the Holy Rose

On 27 Mar 2015 05:20, "Blogger" <> wrote:

Says a Nelson Mandela from heaven:'Have you no shame to abuse for corruption my name?!

Have you no shame to seek under abuse of my name some greedy and weedy five-minute hell-'wow'-factor black and white fascist fame for your evil lame game of bribing with South African council property for the native families of certain Anglican church hierarchy and synod members for votes and to offer for secret societies for organised murder and criminality of whistleblowers on your plots by your weed flowers our South-African medicinal snakebite-antidotes?!'

By Mother Sigrid Eliora Anat

Says a Nelson Mandela from heaven:'Have you no shame to abuse for corruption my name?!

Have you no shame to seek under abuse of my name some greedy and weedy five-minute hell-wow-factor black and white fascist fame for your evil lame game of bribing with South African council property for the native families of certain Anglican church hierarchy and synod members for votes and to offer for secret societies for organised murder and criminality of whistleblowers on your plots by your weed flowers our South-African medicinal snakebite-antidotes?! 

Dancing voodoo black magic Winnies and black sabbath table top pole spinning Minnies with a Tutu as their only dress of frustrated Canterbury cathedral ambition and with interwoven oily shell hell fabrication cursing and death nursing and never ever the poor holy souls, who brought about peacefully with me justice and truth and healing, for their kindness with social housing reimbursing,
as it was just too tempting, it seems, that even a Frank via Washington and all its old fascist inner circle CIA with Golden Gate ridge late night Frisco Cisco access and MI6 trappings also found in Southwark and other cathedrals the recruits for his secret societies of not really gay rights mappings, and instilled with South African poisoned masswine filled casks unspeakable fear and suffering in holy souls under his secret society masks.

But now the prank can no longer afford to be cheating nor to manipulate to suffocating hell temperature the  bedroom of a most holy groom, whom he caused continuously gloom and doom to keep the holy man apart from his beloved bride, as that Cape town bloke has to be seen now to be on justice and truth and peace even in London keen! As some of his victims did before my death in me confide, as this Frank and his worldwide voodoo covens wished on the holy souls and me also many a stroke and committed all sorts of corrupt and criminal hokeycoke!
As threw at the truth of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene  their own fouls!

Of course, these secret societies pretend that they did me for peace and justice a helping hand lend but now I can finally say, and I see it sadly confirmed, that the big black gold diggers still are out to kill all peacekeepers and peacemakers and call us secretly names that put on them now biggers shames!

And so, I put that seekelp with the help of my secret dirt book into all countries' most wanted criminal frames! Did these self-styled and prematurely in their twisted minds crowned celebrities really think I did not know that they did of corruption and greed and weed stink?! And that I would that low sink, as with them their poison from their Judas Ischariot cup and that of a demoness called Mary drink?! Who was the mother of God alright but she also put against her holy son Jesus Christ from his birth in favour of another son also called Jesus a most unholy deadly fight!

As she wanted like the latter copycat son,the evil Jesus, also from Nazareth, the diamonds and sparkling gems and imperial  crown's light and with jewels encrusted Roman empire gowns and a real army as her mercenary reserve to expand the church even further beyond its then devil's den territory - she wanted an Aryan empire of a masterrace of evil with her really as the ruler Egyptian style, and she condoned and made child abuse an art that she taught to her priestesses secretly.

Imagine her fury,when Jesus Christ, the real humble and holy son brought to her his future wife, Mary Magdalene, whom he wed at Canaan against His mother's will! To cut the events short: Mary, the Mother of God, since the wedding did her all with Martha and Judas Iscariot the truth about the marriage and about the couple's monogamy to distort and made to kill them in all sorts of scenarios via her accomplices a sport!

I know the truth because the one good God had entrusted some of it to me in my long years of imprisonment, where I started to see that only the truth can bring about justice and peace and thus only the truth can set human beings from the slavery of all evil free!

And later I was also handed certain treasures and I added my little book of observations in all nations I later visited as a free man and I noted down, who was playing with whole  countries catch as catch can even over a tennis match or in a casino gamble or who wanted badly my publicity for yet another kingmaker's and piety fakers' secret society queen's crown!

And I spread the truth also via my own little bakery bread!
How?! Well, I had sone original items given to a person of my utmost trust and had it under a disguised mission in a range rover over from  Dover driven by a most holy man to a secret location in an only to very few holy souls known nation!

As I knew that it could only be used most effectively at such a time, when the truth would make itself heard outside of any corrupt Anglican--Vatican-Lutheran pew! And I knew also exactly, who put on against me and my mission and vision of peace and justice in my nation to give a home away of a most corrupt dome to Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene and their family crew, the most unholy fight - and I had because of these evildoers, who always slimed and faked piety into my face, numerous a horrid night! 

My people?! Who are you, those of you South-Africans, who have sold our own people and that of holy souls elsewhere, too, out?!  Look at yourselves! You dance with the devil, male and female, the dance of death and corruption and are to my eyes and even more so to the one good God's all-seeing eye one big disgrace! As you leave the poor in the slums, and kill and cover up as so-called mystics the murder of even a holy man, who to God's glory prayed also at St Chad's in Haggerston and in Paris and in Cyprus with his drums!

I know, who you masked faces are, and that you put all the wrong legends and fables and heresies into your bookshelves, ye crooks! You know the truth but you do not want it to live and your hypocrisy and organised criminality and adultery and promiscuity and evilology the one good God will you nevermore forgive!

And I do now from heaven a hell's spell dancing tutu into his own created underworld of delusion and black magic mind's intrusion with his obsession for a place in the House of Lords mad drive, as I will no longer allow him to spy and lie and to put shame on my name but present him to the world as the corrupt entity that he really is, and I hand over to the MI5, whom he bribed in the churchhouse in London and with whom he with evil vibed in numerous a bar and then, his every devil's den will also find an end under the roofs of Wren, as I won't let him recruit and teach evermore devil's hoofs in any shore.

And all, who have come to me to celebrate me wrongly as a godhead celebrity, will now indeed deep fall into their own abbyss of hell, as I guarded parts of Jesus Christ's and Mary Magdalene's true creed well and protected it secretly with my life from the secret societies' greed and ritual knife and desecrated bell,

just in my head and in many silent hours I fed to all, who did on me in my dreams call, the true bread, as it was fed to me by Jesus Christ incarnate, who answered in prison all my silent screams, and I know that He right now at the very thought of hope of justice upon my release from prison and at the forthcoming reunion with Mary Magdalene beams, and that Mary Magdalene's tears that she and Him are crying because of so much Tutus and Winnies and Minnies betrayal under hoods floods into the nations'  consciousness' streams!

And I do not want them anymore just live to survive every single daily  curse and attack thought up by one envious and stonecold twisted
Moriarty, who is even worse since he also added to his crime scenes Norse and arty-farty instead of just alchemy and chemistry and physics to kill even of a school a head!

The real family of Jesus Christ is hidden amongst all nations and is truly holy and Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene have raised them from afar and near in separation, as too many attempts have been made on their lives by ritual knives and slander has been committed beyond their characters' recognition - but the one good God Jesus Christ no longer allows any delays on the truth nor that it is being from the records ommitted! As sins are from now punishable stante pede and were always forbidden!

And I have also in my lifetime, whenever I could via my own bush drums the holy truth to the right ears transmitted and have kept them aloof from my vicinity, as there were too many around me tutu and winnie and minnie hoofs on the ground, as, sadly, even my own family abused my authority and treated the poor like a nuisance and their lives with the ritual knives was like one ongoing bad spoof - evildoers always try to let the holy ones look like a crook but it is the former, who wear the secret society cones and play under a stolen identity and with bribery money and inner circle fascist CIA and hijacked MI and BND secret services clones and turn into bad mercenaries and let even kill official decent spooks and officers as their loose ends!

I make sure that from my place no to me known face anymore the law bends nor lends any piratery or stolen property to a Westminster or St Paul's or Gloucester or York cathedral nor any other dome or minster secret society draw in any such heretical shore! Only the truth leads to justice and lasting peace and only the truth of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene and their true love provide for all scars and wounds and suffering the right cure! They are the Alpha and Omega as two-in-one, and other such eternal unity that surrenders in monogamy than in their holy family is none! 

And that is the reason, why the war- and whoremongers everywhere threw against them all their stones under secret society cones and why all the official church hierarchies are wearing the Judas Ischariot secret society cones - and, Tutu, to you and the likes of you pikes of you I can only say with disgust at your corruption, envy, greed and lust and weed: 'You do not even have the guts to tell the truth that you are awaiting the devil's return and celebrate Advent of the dark Lord in Lent, as you are afraid that you might be found out with your organised criminality and immoral notoriety that you committed in the church hierarchy against the truth of Jesus Christ with your every secret society by an awakening from its blindness to the aryan heresy United Nations' raid - and you never liked to work for peanuts but have no scruples to let rot the poor holy souls in huts and you even smear them withyour own fouls!

No wonder, that the devil goes now under, as your stupid self-deluded and power-obsessed  apostolic Judas Ischariot succession wanted to have the income of all, and accepted only ever at face value any lord's call but bribery from all sides and from ever higher bidders! And you took all sorts of secret society brides for every season and mocked the holy monogamy of Adam and  Eve, as Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene were already back then betrayed by every devil's den!

You just wanted to crown yourself also in a hall of Satanist fame of Wren, and that is, why you sent your spies to the Satanic mills to the green hills but your evil record numerous pages in my dirt book fills and I sent it into Jesus  Christ's hands, who kept it safe from your crowd of black magic wands! 

And to you, Desmond Tutu, nor to any other of your secret society sister or brother won't be by the one good God at His Judgement throne no more mercy shown,as you let holy souls play once too often alsofor you play the clown! And I will return at the right moment in the right place also still to you a certain stone into your own face, as you also tried me to kill, when I did on  you at the time the beans with peaceful means spill!

And it might just be via a documentary about your involvement in organised criminality and bribery and piratery of council housing property, and you unbearable hypocrisy and fake-piety, with that you cover up your reckless notoriety in any unsavioury variety! You always confused roly-poly with holy and fused with the corrupt and criminal prank Frank, who also from your Judas Ischariot cup upon his initiation into your secret society blood drank and in St Magnus in London still from your bat kill stank and as a thrill put on a London windowsill a rat,and poisoned a cat.

Posted By Blogger to Abbey of the Holy Rose on 3/27/2015 05:20:00 am

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Tweets of St Patrick and St Chad, and also St Merlin enough of being treated rough and cheated and maltreated, and so, they get with the truth on all evildoers tough, and neither anymore by any shore and snakes their insults and lies and organised crime and heresy takes, as they know exactly, who holiness and piety and decency and 'empathy' (never mind compassion) fakes! by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Tweets of St Patrick and St Chad, and also St Merlin enough of being
treated rough and cheated and maltreated, and so, they get with the
truth on all evildoers tough, and neither anymore by any shore and
snakes their insults and lies and organised crime and heresy takes, as
they know exactly, who holiness and piety and decency and 'empathy'
(never mind compassion) fakes!

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

      Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 6m

      St Patrick&St Chad enough had of being treated rough&cheated by
every shore of the babylonian whore for the truth&maltreated&get now
together with the truth evermore tough.

      Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 8m

      St Patrick,whose soul is also Aharon&Jesus Christ's son
Jacob,was always subjected by every shore,except for one, to any foul
for the truth, and that confirms also Oved with Boaz and Ruth, and
they all had enough of being treated rough and for their full truth
cheated and get now with the facts of most unholy acts and by
demanding back books and artefacts from the piratery mercenary legions
in all Vatican and Anglican regions that were stolen and killed for by
heretical and criminal crooks.

      Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 10m

      St Patrick&St Chad,the eternal souls of Son&Father,who always
had to fight all the snakes' fouls&the beasts&neither of them anymore
takes but lets them hiss and slither in vain, as once too often the
evildoers have a character and reputation slain and put even on a holy
child a false stain, and did order or partake in a murder plot that
only did in the last second miss, and Cain also does not want from any
demoness yet another Judas kiss, and lets the real murderer of Abel to
his evil deed confess and clear up himself his mess, and that does
finally also the wrong shores in their sandcastles shake and them to
lying and spying heretics and criminals rightfully and long overdue in
the Vatican and Anglican shore makes.

      Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 12m

      St Patrick knows,who in truth&true love their face to God
shows,as he himself in it glows,when Jesus Christ on his son of old
peace bestows, and both can also play convincingly to their every
hammering enemy the most reflecting anvil scarecrow, and with every
breath each every secret society's cover blows and suddenly even a
formerly goatee bearded officer no longer a fake Merlin's beard grows.

      Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 15m

      St Patrick knew,who is a gate keeper of hell&even did live&tell
the facts of most unholy acts in a shell&threw back at every snake her
every spell until they understood that they would no longer get any
food delivered, when they complain about the living church bell and
when it turns out that they at a holy mother and child did shout false
allegations and insults and sang against them evil incantations, and
acted as messengers and couriers and mailboxes for organised
criminality under the disguise of heresy from and in all nations,and
suddenly their own head and tail has to find the right answer in the
dock before Jesus Christ's flock, when the Judge takes stock and sends
also to the last snake a summons in the mail, as all previous attempts
to get to a voluntary confession did fail.

      Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 19m

      St Patrick no longer takes any threats from any snakes&instead
their tail&head& sandcastles shakes&lets their every curse fail&bounce
back their mail.


Mother Sigrid Eliora
Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet

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